Customising the Map Gazetteer

The default gazetteer in the CMSi Map uses the Ordnance Survey gazetteer of place names for Great Britain. Hence in Great Britain, you will not need to edit this unless you have a more detailed local gazetteer or want to add some place names. 

You don’t actually need to use this database at all and could use a different one if you have an existing gazetteer database. Or you could just add some other place names into the existing table.

There are two key settings in cmsi-mdi.exe.config:


<setting name="GazetteerConnStr" serializeAs="String">

        <value>Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\cmsi\MapData\GazData.mdb;Persist Security Info=True</value>



<setting name="GazetteerTable" serializeAs="String">




The first setting controls which database you use and the second which table/ query  in the database.

So if you want to add new places into the existing table, open the default "OS_50kGazetteer" table, add the new place name into the column "DEF_NAME", a region into the field "FULL_COUNTY" (this is not mandatory but gives an additional county/parish name to help distinguish between identical place names) along with the Easting and Northing into the appropriate fields. You can ignore the fields SortOrder and FeatureType. 

If you are wanting to use a different database, you can change the setting in the exe.config to point to your database instead. The key thing is that you must create a query (query name defined in the other setting in the exe.config) that must have the following fields with these exact field names:

  • Name (place name)
  • District (region name)
  • X
  • Y

The fields FeatureType and SortOrder in the query in the default database are not used or needed. 

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