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What's New in CMSi v3.1

Version 3.1 of CMSi is packed with new functionality due to the number of new Feature Requests we have received. If you have any further ideas for Feature Requests then please download our Feature Request template from our Downloads Page and return it to cms@software4conservation.com

Some of the highlights for CMSi include:


Search CEvidenceCE results

Designated Sites

Search Filters

  • Ability to See Non-Current Look-up Table Entries in Filters
    The Site and Annual Project filters did not previously show any lookup table items that had been flagged as non-current, which meant that you could not search for data that used an old code. This has been fixed so that you have the option to show (or hide) non-current items from the dropdown lists when selecting criteria for searching. The new functionality applies to all Search forms in CMSi Planning and PAM modules.
  • Running Reports from the Site Filter
    An option has been introduced in the Site Filter to run reports. Previously you had to use the Annual Project Filter to run any reports, even if they were not related to projects.
Site filter reports



Adjust planned budget filter
  • Ability to Run MyCMSi Reports on Filtered Features
    A new filter parameter for Features allows standalone reports from MyCMSi to be run for the current list of features in the Site Tree. This means that you can search for a specific set of features in the Site Filter and use the result to produce reports on just those features.


  • Tool to Merge Contacts
    Some CMSi users have been involved in importing large quantities of data from a variety of sources. This can result in duplicate contact details being entered which are individually linked to different CMSi records. A tool for CMSi administrators has been added which allows duplicate contact details to be merged into one, whilst still retaining all related linked data.
  • Tool to Copy and Transfer Contact Roles
    This new tool works for Site and Compartment linked contacts and enables you to link a person to multiple sites and/or compartments with a specific role and to transfer and existing role to another person.
  • Searching for Contacts Using any Letters in the Full Name
    When searching for a Contact name in the dropdown lists, you can now type any set of characters within the person's full name (or organisation name) to find a matching record.
  • Lookup Table for Person's Title
    A lookup table will be added for person titles in the Contacts module.
  • Improve Filtering Options
    Adding new options to both Organisation and People searches using data fields such as organisation type, organisation categories, address, person categories, customer code, date of birth etc.
Organisation filter



Property and Agreements Module

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